Frequently Asked Questions
Is a teenager required to complete a driver education course before receiving a driver license?
Yes. Texas law requires persons under 18 years of age to successfully complete a state-approved course in driver education before they are eligible to receive driver licenses.
How old do I have to be before I can enroll in a driver education class?
It is DelCar’s policy, that a teen must be 15 years of age to meet our entry requirement.
When can my son or daughter receive an instruction permit license?
A student is not permitted to apply for an instruction permit until he or she is at least 15 years of age and has completed at least Module One (minimum of six instructional hours) of a driver education classroom program. Application for an instruction permit license requires the student to pass a DPS written examination and to meet all other DPS licensing requirements.
How old do I have to be before I receive a Texas driver license?
You must be at least 15 years of age to receive an instruction permit license. You must be at least 16 years of age to receive a provisional driver license after completing a driver education course.